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Picking / Opening

Fiber Processing Order Form

Further opening of the fiber prior to carding is accomplished via our picker. The washed and dried fiber is put through a picker which opens the locks and blows the fluffy wool into a room. At the same time a special spinning oil is added which helps the wool fibers slide against each other but also helps them stick together as a fine web through the processing. This process is performed on medium to coarse wool and mohair to be run through the card. We use other methods to open alpaca, llama, and other fine fibers.

Here is a picture of our picker.

Picker Picker2

The picker works by feeding the fiber into the machine via the infeed belt, Inside the machine is a rotating head with three sets of teeth sticking out. The fiber is picked up and the locks are pulled open while the opened fiber is blown into the box.

Columbia Custom Carding LLC
31525 Canaan Rd
Deer Island, OR 97054
503-410-3152 (Mill)
Hours M-T 10-5:00 (mill by appointment only)